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EHS中国 供求 招聘 EHS Specialist/Supervisor_某世界五百强企业_化工行业
浏览次数:3360  EHS Specialist/Supervisor_某世界五百强企业_化工行业
 行业  &默认分类  职位  默认分类
 招聘部门    招聘人数  1人
 工作地区  吉林吉林市  工作性质  不限
 性别要求  不限  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  不限  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  不限年龄  待遇水平  面议
 更新日期  2013-05-07  有效期至  长期有效
Job Title: EHS Specialist/Supervisor
Reported To: EHS Manager

Location: Jilin City, Jilin Province

Conduct daily or periodic safety checks and develop safety check report for review by Department Manager; Provide suggestions to improve site safety and implement suggestion after obtaining the approval.
Participate to perform on-site safety measurements and safety evaluations, survey of safety accidents/ESH issues, hazards assessment, environment evaluation activties etc, assist ESHQ manager to prepare related audit by local bureau.
Supervise the implementation of work permit procedures, timely point out and correct any violations, and stop un-safe behaviors of operators including contractors during the operation in line with industrial or internal ESH regulations, communicate with involved line supervisors about violations and record.
4.通过持续实施一系列活动,如为员工提供培训或协调外部机构向员工提供培训,ESH应急演练、安全和环保知识竞赛,安全奖励等,协助ESHQ 经理持续提高全体员工的环境和安全意识。
Assist ESHQ manager to make out and implement aseries of activities, including internal or external training, ESH emergency rehearsal, safety and environment protection knowledge contest, safety reward etc. to improve and enhance awareness of environment protection and safety of staff.
Develop and maintain the fire fighting system status report, work with team to urge departments to follow-up and finalize opening items from the of status report.
6.参与ESH 所涉及的安全检查,内部ESH审核,中华区或集团ESH审核等内部或外部的检查或审核活动,并在检查审核过程中提供协助。
Attend the safety inspection, internal/external ESH audit, and Regional or Corporation level ESH audit, provide assistance to audit process.
7.不断完善个人防护用品,这包括个人防护用品供方的选择,试穿,试戴,个人防护用品的调查等工作,并就将调查结果在ESH内部和公司沟通,如需改进,形成行动明细以不断改进。Keep going on the PPE improvements which include the selection of PPE supplier, trail wearing of PPE, PPE survey among employees and related PPE management activities. Feedback survey results within ESH and company wide, setup actions for continuous improvements if there are any improvement can be made.
Be responsible for ESH written documentation management which includes sorting, categorization, labeling and distribution of documentation etc.
Responsible for occupational health and establish occupational health p-files, work with HR Department on related works of Occupational Health Medical Checkup and Medical Evaluation of Fitness to Work on Return with Cause.
Assist ESHQ Manager to manage all environmental activities of the company, including emission of waste water, off-gas and waste residue with respect to the emission standards.
Assist ESHQ manager to accomplish work of compliance.
Complete the other tasks given by the superior.

1.Bachelor and above education background, chemical or related majors.
2.5 years working experience, familiar with local ESHQ knowledge.
3.Good communication skills and English workable.
4.Master micro software,e.g. excel, word, power point.

如果有兴趣,请联系我,Email: executivesearch@yeah.net
P.S. 该职位定位中高端;大化或者炼化,安全方向的工艺工程师也可以考虑。
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