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中国环境健康安全网 > EHS培训 > S-EHS-06事故/事件调查与根本原因分析




¥700 ¥700




课程简介Course Description


When an incident occurs, it is important to systematically analyze the problem to determine a root cause before considering potential solutions. This course teaches important concepts and definitions along with practical approaches for how to: manage investigations and root cause analyses using various techniques, create and use tools to facilitate analyses, lead groups in problem solving efforts, and communicate recommendations to management.


重点内容Key Content

·         国内事故分级与管理

Chinese management and classification of accidents

·         国际标准及工具介绍

Introduction to international standards and tools

·         如何定义事件(辨别事故、未遂事故、泄露等)

Defining “incident” – the importance of investigating all incidents (accidents, near-miss, spills, etc)

·         伤害如何分类

Injury category definition

·         事故报告——鼓励对事故报告

How to report – how to encourage reporting incidents

·         如何展开事故调查

How to conduct an incident investigation

·         根本原因分析的工具和方法(5个为什么、鱼骨图、失效模型分析、Taproot法)

Tools and techniques for root cause analysis. Tools include 5 Whys, Fishbone, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and TapRoot (a comprehensive and skill-based tool)

·         事故原因的趋势分析工具,低成本工具/分析

Tools for trend analysis of causal factors, low cost tools/analysis

·         调动主管、管理人员和雇员们一同寻找解决方法

Engaging supervisors, management and employees in the solutions

·         整改措施:立即的补救措施和系统/长期整改措施,向管理人员提出建议

Corrective action: Immediate fixes vs. system/long-term action, making recommendations to management

·         如何建立应急预案

Introduction to how to set up emergency procedures



学习目标Learning Objectives


·         明确概念并区分根本原因、直接原因和间接原因

Define and distinguish among root cause vs. direct cause vs. contributing cause

·         明确概念并区分未遂事故事故的一般概念和中国法规条文的定义

Define and distinguish “near-miss” & “accident”, in general terms and in the context of Chinese law.

·         组织和推动管理者和雇员之间关于根本原因分析的讨论。通过角色扮演来体现该能力。

Describe how to organize/facilitate discussions with managers and employees for root cause investigations. Demonstrate ability through role plays.

·         在一个情景或案例分析中运用至少两种不同的工具进行根本原因分析。

Apply at least two different tools to conduct root cause analysis for a scenario or case study.

·         在一个情景或案例分析中评估根本原因分析的结果,确定影响范围,并向管理人员提出有针对性的建议。

Assess root cause analysis results, quantify impacts and make specific recommendations to management for a scenario or case study.



开课日期及收费  Date & Price

·         开课日期:328           DateMarch-28th

·         课程收费:RMB700            PriceRMB700

